i am broken
yet among finer jewels
You paid the ultimate price
to receive me
i am broken
my pieces spread out
on the soil for You to see
yet You do not disregard me,
You do not scoop me into a dust bin
and throw me out into a trash bin
i am broken
You saw me ruin myself
when i divulged from every table
except the one You designed for me
i am broken
You saw me follow
the ways of the crowd
You have forbidden me to follow.
i am broken
You saw me as i stumbled
to the edge of the Earth
yet like a white dove,
You did not let me fall
You came and swooped me up.
all You do is lift me up
i am broken,
yet among finer jewels
You paid the ultimate price
to receive me.
Justina Lee ‘15 Source