for God, but rather, it is about the hearts that are turned to
Christ. It is not about the numbers, but about each individual
and each soul that comes to Christ which truly matters.
Missions aims at, brings about and
is fuelled by the worship of Jesus
Where is my missions field?
Missionary organizations offer programmes to equip and
send those with the distinct call to be missionaries in a place
not their own. The work of missionaries is also enabled by
the work of families, home churches and friends in praying,
supporting, and caring for those in the missions field.
In another sense, the Christian should see the home as a
lifelong missions field. The Great Commission is very much
addressed to every disciple of Christ. So let us seek to share
the hope that is found in Christ with our coworkers, friends,
families, and neighbors. Indeed, it is a privilege to be called
to share the peace, love and hope of God wherever we find
ourselves. God doesn’t need us, but is pleased to call us
into partnership in His work of changing hearts and lives,
of restoring individuals to live as they were truly intended
to live, and of being part of the greatest story ever told.
So for the Christian, missions may be about many things; a call
to obedience, a spirit of discipleship, a partnership with God, a
heart of worship, and a means of development. Nonetheless,
the heart of missions is a striving to be salt and light in a world
that very much needs to know God, such that, as it is written
in Psalms 67:4, ‘the nations may be glad and sing for joy’.
Brandon Chia is a freshman concentrating in economics.
Diego Luis G’22
Fall 2015