Cornerstone No. 194, page 9
in the church. For example, an interview with the minister or other church
members. LiveAir is a program that facilitates multi-shot videos and editing
from a smart phone, and Copresenter is a church specific alternative to
Albert was very positive about the welcome he had received by the Scots Kirk
Lausanne and the facilities that we have. He encouraged us to continue to
explore new opportunities through technology and personal interactions to
make connections in the community as well as to stay in touch with the SKL
“alumni network”.
You can read more insights on this topic on Albert’s blog.
Janet Shaner
Soup & Cheese Lunches
As already announced in previous editions of Cornerstone, Ilze Condemi has
decided to hang up her apron and step down from the leadership of the soup
& cheese lunch team. We extend a big “Thank You” to Ilze for her quiet and
good-humoured work as organiser of this popular monthly event, which has
raised money for various charities and provided an opportunity for fellowship
outside of the worship setting. Many thanks too to those who have over the
years participated as members of Ilze’s team. Ilze’s last soup & cheese lunch
will be on 3rd October so do come along on this special occasion.
We are glad to report that a replacement for Ilze has now been found and we
thank Peggy Arnold most warmly for her willingness to assume this task; the
lunches will thus continue to be held on the first Wednesday in the month as in
the past.