Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_194_website_28 | Page 2

Cornerstone No. 194, page 2 Letter from the Interim Moderator Greetings, one and all! Lausanne is becoming a very special place in my heart – and in my timetable, as the process of filling the Vacancy gathers pace! Each of the Locum Ministers who has served with you has expressed what a delight the experience has been, and this does not surprise me, given that I too, have found the congregation, committed, caring and welcoming… a good omen for whoever comes to be minister. The Locums have also noted their pleasure in living at the Manse, which they found most congenial…so that’s all good! At least two of the recent Locums have expressed a willingness to return in the New Year – so there will be familiar faces, come January. And now, we wait – for the news of the Vacancy to filter round the Church, the advertisement in Life and Work to grab the attention, interest and heart of someone – or several someones! And then the search can begin in earnest. The Nominating Committee is demonstrating – as we would expect – the wisdom, vision and patience needed to serve the congregation well in this important Christian service, and we can have confidence in their insights and faith. I hope to manage to wangle a Sunday or two in Lausanne over the coming months and I look forward to sharing in worship with a congregation that is full of warm-hearted, faithful and fascinating people. Every blessing, as always, Laurence Twaddle Introducing or reintroducing… Rev. Dr. Alan Falconer, who will be our locum minister in November & December Marjorie and I are looking forward to our time with you in Lausanne. It is a number of years since I conducted worship with you on occasions when Douglas Murray was on Presbytery business or on holiday. Marjorie was heavily involved for a number of years teaching the Lausanne Scottish Country Dancing Group.