Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_193_website_24 | Page 8

Cornerstone No . 193 , page 8
is a journey of constant discovery and rediscovery . Surely it is a good thing to try seeing the world as others see it , surely there is more good than harm in constructive criticism and the best friends are the ones that help us to “ see ourselves as others see us ”. The truth as it is in our bubble cannot be the only version of the truth and beyond our adopted view of the world there are exciting prospects for personal growth and deeper insight . I think it was Mark Twain who said that the “ only essential travel accessory was an open mind ”, this truth does not only apply to the adventures we might have in visiting new places and seeing new things ; it also applies to our journey in the faith . Don ’ t let yourself get trapped in any of the bubbles that might restrict your view of the world or of God . Travel with an open and enquiring mind , travel with an open and loving heart , search vigorously for the truth and it will set you free .
Mark Twain certainly did say : “ The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why .” For my part it ’ s the exciting days of discovering why that matters the most – and you won ’ t find out why if you stay trapped in a bubble . Most surely Jesus did not live in a bubble . Surrounded as he was by the religiously orthodox , the severely legalistic and the aggression of an oppressive occupier ; he was still able to command a world view which was generous and open . He could see beyond Galilee , he could see beyond Jerusalem and he could see a God whose love was as liberal as it was unconditional . Jesus sets the standard for bursting bubbles .
From the magazine of the Church of Scotland
" God whispers to us in our pleasures , speaks in our conscience , but shouts in our pain ." - C . S . Lewis
Deadline for the next edition of Cornerstone
16th September 2018