Cornerstone No. 193, page 17
“It’s very early stages yet, but I see no reason why we can’t have regular
worship events at different places throughout Scotland.
“It will take time to work out what an online-offline worshipping congregation
will require. So initially I will not be seeking to carry out weddings or funerals.
This however may change as opportunities for mission and pastoral care
become evident. However Sanctuary First has the ability to be linked with every
congregation, and local congregations may well find that Sanctuary First are
passing on to them people who live in their area who have expressed an interest
in faith.”
He emphasises that he is not aiming to compete with local churches but to
‘augment and help’ them.
“We shouldn’t be seen as a lazy man’s church, that’s not what it’s about.
Sanctuary First users are either church attenders who find our material good,
or people who cannot get to church and are able to connect in this way. And
we are going to build on that.”
the magazine of the Church of Scotland
Hello from the Tomkinsons
In May we said goodbye to the Scots Kirk after fourteen years of calling this our
church home. We are now back in North Yorkshire and, thanks to the vagaries
of the Jet Stream, are enjoying Swiss
summer weather!
We would like to say a big thank you
to all of you for the time we shared
with you. We have such happy
memories of making good friends, of
the Sunday school and youth work
confirmation, of church weekends,
ski Sundays, concerts, the candlelit
Christmas service, the bazaar and, of
course, worshipping together on
Sunday mornings. We wish you well
as you plan for the future.
Our “old” church, the Methodist
Church in Richmond, has welcomed us back. They have recently welcomed
another couple just returned from the Lac Leman area!
We are looking forward to seeing you all again – we will definitely be returning
to Switzerland for holidays.
Paul and Rachel Tomkinson