Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_193_website_24 | Page 11

Cornerstone No. 193, page 11 In the afternoon we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women. We heard three inspiring stories from women who have followed Christ’s calling, in particular, the Very Reverend Dr Margaret Forrester. There is also an interview with this pioneering lady in the May edition of Life and Work. Many things important to the church and its members were discussed. If you would like to know more, the Church of Scotland website has many articles and information. The Consolidated Deliverances for the GA 2018 contains certain items which are most relevant to the International Presbytery. Without the relevant reports from the various committees, it is not always easy to understand where the deliverances are coming from. I have a copy of the Blue Book in which all the reports are published if anyone is interested to see it or look on the link; reports-blue-book The GA was truly memorable, the singing, the preaching, the sharing and meeting with other commissioners, and I was very grateful to be part of it. Thank you for allowing me to attend to be part of it. Sylvia McKillop, Presbytery Elder