Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_192_website_24 | Page 6

Cornerstone No. 191, page 6 In other committees, Finance noted that the Stewardship and Finance of the CoS were very slow to respond to the Presbytery’s questions about Mission and Renewal and the lack of stewardship support for congregational Treasurers within the Presbytery. The SKL was commended for the hosting of the Youth Assembly in Lausanne and a short presentation was given by two of the participants. The Rev Eric Foggitt was recommended to congregations as a resource in speech training for Bible readers and the leading of prayers. The Saturday night evening meal was held in the Officers’ Mess close to the hotel. This splendid building is the Naval Officers’ Mess and the food was served by serving marines! We had a delicious meal in grand surroundings and were serenaded by one of the Lisbon Elders accompanied on the piano by another. We were most grateful to the Session and organisers of this meeting who showed us a warm welcome and generous hospitality. On Sunday we were “bussed” into Lisbon for the Worship service in their lovely church which was followed by a very tasty and copious buffet lunch. The next meeting in October is in Amsterdam. Sylvia McKillop, Presbytery Elder Deadline for the next edition of Cornerstone 15 th July 2018 Condolences We send our condolences and our kindest thoughts to those who have suffered the loss of someone close to them recently, whether known to the congregation or otherwise, and in particular to: ● Morven and the Bennie family on the death of Morven’s mother; ● The family and friends of Silver Ménasse who died in March; ● The family and friends of Jean Pernet who died in April.