Cornerstone No. 191, page 17
of women being ordained to minister in the Church of Scotland and Effie Irvine
was a ‘trail blazer’ – a pioneer – for later members of the fair sex who went on
to make their mark in the Kirk. However, Effie’s appointment was not without
controversy, after all “a woman, a minister in the Kirk?!” But such was the
strength, faith and commitment of our subject that she won over the detractors
and ‘silent’ critics by hard work and spiritual support to her parishioners. Outside
of Scotland, on numerous journeys to Jerusalem, she was active in bringing
relief and support to many in need.
Euphemia Irvine died, aged 93, on February 1st this year, but her presence lives
on – not only in the memories of those who were touched by her, but also in
the parish gardens, Milton of Campsie – Irvine Gardens.
22 nd May 2018: Hundreds of women ministers and supporters today processed
to the Assembly Hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the decision to permit
the ordination of women to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Church
of Scotland. Around 500 people sang 'We are Marching in the Light of God' as
they walked up the Mound and gathered in the quad of New College, under the
statue of John Knox. The Moderator, the Rt Rev Susan Brown, told them they
were celebrating 'when the community of women and men were given the ir
place in the church, not because they deserve that place but because it's the
place to which Christ himself has called us'.