Cornerstone No. 191, page 14
Bringing pleasure to and helping others
Have you ever had your lunch at the Scots Kirk Soup and Cheese lunch? Never?
Well, you have been missing out, haven’t you! Once a month, devoted helpers
organise a lunch in the Church Fellowship Centre.
This consists of soup, bread, cheese, fruit, tea/coffee and biscuits. All for
The profits from the lunch are sent twice a year to charity. The charity this year
is “La Soupe Populaire” in Lausanne. Each evening, this organisation, run by
volunteers, prepares soup for up to 300 needy people. In 2017 we were able to
contribute Sfrs.1300.- to this worthy cause.
The Soup and Cheese lunches have been running for over 70 years.
The church would like to continue this long tradition. However, the organiser
will be withdrawing from the “soup ladle” later this year after many years of
devoted stirring!
This is not a strenuous responsibility. The lunch is held once a month only, on
the first Wednesday of each month. Of course, this day could always be
changed according to which day suits best. There is a rota for soup makers, so
there is no need for you yourself to prepare the soup.
If you would like to have some more information as to what is involved, why
not come along to one of the next lunches on
Wednesday, 6th June/4th July.