Cornerstone No. 191, page 12
Jean Pernet 29.07.1943 - 18.04.2018
Jean Russell and her older brother Billy were brought up in Dublin by their
Scottish Mum and Irish Dad. Jean was a keen Girl Guide, and a pupil of
Alexandra College Dublin where her interest in history and languages was
nurtured. She learned to play tennis and squash — and kept these up until a
couple of years ago with the AIWC. She was a good hockey player too — and
was on the Alexandra College 1st Eleven team.
Jean came to Geneva in the 1960s to
work as a secretary in the World
Council of Churches Refugee
Department. She met and fell madly
in love with one of the few eligible
guys working there - Pierre Pernet.
They were married in 1970 in
Donore Presbyterian Church (now a
mosque) in Dublin, and lived in
Versoix until they moved to Aclens in
1974. They were blessed with two
sons - David and Marc.
The family immersed themselves in
village life in Aclens, along with
enthusiastic commitment to the
Scots Kirk Lausanne - Jean was on
the Congregational Board and was
more recently involved with the
renovation of the Manse bathroom.
She took a very active part in the
annual church Bazaar, dressing in
Vaudoise costume on occasion, and
doing a lot of sorting and selling on the White Elephant stall, as well as
contributing her baking and mincemeat. She was involved with the Living in
Lausanne programme of the AIWC to welcome newcomers to the area, along
with her sporting activities. All the while, Jean had a lunch time reception job
in Logitech which was near her home.
Jean had a keen musical ear, and she sang sweetly in a few choirs over the
years, including the Glee Club of the AIWC, the Christmas Carol Service choir,
and the Chœur Symphonique of the Université Populaire of Lausanne. She and
Pierre enjoyed attending the Lausanne Opera season with friends.
Jean's qualities as a welcoming hostess were well known. Those garden parties,
her delicious food at so many family gatherings and dinner parties for friends