Cornerstone No. 191, page 24
Recent meeting of the Kirk Session
At the meeting of the Kirk Session on 14th February 2018, the following subjects
were discussed. Further information can be obtained from the minutes of the
meeting on the notice board in the church hall or by speaking to a member of the
Electricity contract with doctors; Open Mic night; St. François carol service;
Soup and Cheese lunch; Potluck lunch hosting; Marché des flambeaux;
Presbytery Local Church Review; Youth Presbytery; Team re approach for
youth perspective; Update from Daniel Blaser; Commission to General
Assembly; Worship team update; Lent activities; Open church for Lent;
Crèche location; Crèche responsibilities; Date for ACM; Update on giving;
Elders’ workshop Scotland; Safeguarding; Website; Church roll; Corre-
spondence; Letter from Geraldine Ewen; Feedback from visitors.
Next meeting of the Kirk Session:
11 th April 2018 at 7.30 p.m.