Cornerstone No. 191, page 12
Presbytery Youth Event:
16 - 18 February at the Scots Kirk Lausanne.
A group of 18 young people ages ranging from 18 to 28 years old attended this
year’s Youth Presbytery hosted by the Scots Kirk Lausanne. They gathered from
Amsterdam, Bochum, Brussels, Budapest, Lausanne, Paris, Rotterdam and Sri
Lanka. We played, laughed and of course, we ate well together! A Swiss
provided a “Welcome Supper” on the Friday evening. Catering for expressed dietary
requirements, the dinner choices for Saturday night included Lasagnes, Shepherd’s
Pie and a very pleasing Vegan Cheesecake!
Throughout the programme we spent time thinking and talking, worshipping and
praying. In developing the proposed theme of “Happiness” we asked ourselves the
● What difference does believing in God make to how we live and respond to the
highs and lows, the joys and the sadnesses in life?
● Does having faith help us address the challenging and complex questions facing
us today?
“Celebration” (Philippians 4.4-9) , “Resilience” (2 Corinthians 4) and “Trust” (Psalm
62:1-8) emerged as keywords for us over the weekend.
The programme closed with the Youth Presbyters participating in the worship
service on Sunday morning. After a farewell potluck lunch which was time shared
with many members of the congregation, the youth participants began their
journeys home. A follow-up email to all participants invited feedback and comment
on the experience of the Lausanne Youth Presbytery 2018. The following feedback
and comments have been received: