Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_191_website_28 | Page 10

Cornerstone No. 191, page 10 Church Flowers Flowers decorate our church Sunday by Sunday and beautify our sanctuary for worship. There is a rota in the vestibule of the church where you can put your name on the Sunday of your choice. Following the service they are often distributed (with the agreement of the donor), to the housebound, to those who are bereaved, to the sick or those in hospital, etc. If you could help in delivering the flowers one Sunday, please make yourself known to Catherine Cowper (Pastoral Care Convenor), or the Minister, after the service. We are very grateful to those who offer flowers during the year, but would welcome new helpers! Should you wish to donate flowers and need more information on how to do so, please contact Sylvia McKillop 024 441 15 71 or by email [email protected]