Cornerstone No. 190, page 10
News from the Bakker family
Dear Scots Kirk,
Herewith an update from the Bakker Family. We live since July 2016 in London,
Kingston upon Thames/Surbiton, where we both work for the NGO Tearfund.
When we left in the summer 2014 the plan was to move to South Africa, which
after two years became clear that this would not happen. Awaiting this move
we lived as a family in Holland from where Pieter travelled the world till the
summer of 2016 when we moved as said to the UK. The girls are doing great
and our girls Aurelie (6) and Davita (4) enjoy going to school and we love their
energy to explore life.
Although we haven't been back in the Scots Kirk since, we hold warm memories
towards the Kirk as we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Switzerland.
We wish the Kirk all the best and hope to be able to visit a service when in
Switzerland. God’s blessings!
The Bakker family
"God left you on earth
for a purpose. Do it."