Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_188_website_28_vs3 | Page 8

Cornerstone No. 188, page 8 Crèche and Sunday School Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." I'm writing this as the new school year starts, so too does Sunday School start a new curriculum. Sunday after Sunday, the children will be learning more about the people of the Bible, enjoying fun crafts and activities and spending time together. Would you like to spend the occasional Sunday with the younger members of the church family? Share your knowledge and experiences, join in the fun? Then please consider joining the Sunday School and/or Crèche Team. Do come and chat with me for more information. Looking forward to welcoming you. Thank you in advance. Melanie Whitlow News from the Patersons Thank you so much, Janet and Susan, for this very special edition of Cornerstone. The cover with red rose for Helen is beautiful, as are all the moving tributes. Sadly, we met her briefly only twice at the time of Ian's induction, but by all accounts she was a very special person and so our hearts go out to Ian and his family and to all of you in the Scots Kirk sharing in their huge loss. Please pass on our loving sympathy to all. Your interim moderator Laurence is a friend through his late wife Alison, who succeeded Lorna as Guild General Secretary and was her colleague prior to that, so he knows at first hand something of what Ian is going through. But we were all delighted when he found Lindy and are glad that they are having this first experience of serving the church in Europe together. Warmest regards to those who may remember us. Lausanne will be forever in our heart. We hope we might return one day but we have had a torrid winter of indifferent health and Lorna has just had a hip replacement operation while Ian struggles to get used to a mask he has to wear because of sleep apnea... so we may not make it! Ian and Lorna Many congratulations to Tina and Lars on the birth of Simon Midem Kaiser