Cornerstone No. 188, page 3
Or will we keep singing the songs, saying the prayers and living the life – in
the earnest conviction that this is the only way to win others to the Christian
faith? One life piquing the interest of a seeker? And the Church being the
praising, praying, loving family that it has been brought into being to be?
Answers on a postcard!
Love and blessings
Laurence Twaddle
Just a little reminder that there is a box marked “Stamps” in the church
vestibule. For those of you who do not know of this project, we collect used
stamps in good condition. Once sorted out and trimmed, the Swiss ones are
sent to the Royal Institute for Blind Babies in London―the organisers like
receiving samecountry stamps which sell well―towards their funds. All the
others go to the Leprosy Foundation in Lonay. Last year it was possible to send
them 4 kg of stamps, which were gratefully received.
Please join us in this rewarding project. Do not detach the stamps from the
paper and be careful not to damage the edges.
It would be helpful if a more visible place were found for the stamps box. Any
ideas? Thank you.
Yolande de Meuron