Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_188_website_28_vs3 | Page 24

Cornerstone No. 188, page 24 Recent meeting of the Kirk Session At the meeting of the Kirk Session on 23rd August 2017, the following subjects were discussed. Further information can be obtained from the minutes of the meeting on the notice board in the church hall or by speaking to a member of the Session. Update on Ian McDonald’s return to work; Roof project update; Keys; Telephony upgrades; Emergency procedures; Helen McDonald funeral; Church walks; Presbytery Local Church Review; Princeton student; Worship service and length; Holiday Club for children; Update on giving and stewardship; Revised Finance team roles; Renewing Adventist contract; Bazaar; Hetty Overeem; Mivy picnic; Safeguarding; Fundraising event. Next meeting of the Kirk Session: 11th October 2017 at 7.30 p.m.