Cornerstone No. 187, page 5
They moved to Lausanne in 2010. Hoping she could pick up a nursing job, she
studied hard for her B2 French Language Certificate and passed with flying
colours – a star pupil according to her teachers. She was then registered with
the Red Cross. Opting not to return to nursing, she continued to care for elderly
people offering companionship and practical help.
Out-with the church, she enjoyed going to the school of music and jazz, tap
dancing and attending an International Woman’s group. She made friends
wherever she went.
In early 2016, the congregation was shocked to learn of her illness and as time
went on, we were full of admiration for her courage, strength and acceptance
of what lay ahead. Never complaining, still showing her concern and often the
one comforting us.
Thanks to the Grace of God, Helen entered our lives, enriching us with her
sincere and welcoming smile, loving and gentle way, and teaching us how to
live, valuing people and the present moment.