Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_187_website_24 | Page 17

Cornerstone No. 187, page 17 Talk to the Children is a storybook based on the many talks given by Rev. Douglas Murray during his numerous years as the Minister of our Church. This book is a delight- ful way of building children’s loving hearts and minds by reading them Christian short stories full of humour and good sense. is available at the book stall for CHF 25.-. If you wish to buy several copies, you can also contact Vreni: + 41 210 47 24 or [email protected] Visit on 23rd July by the Wylie family The Rev. Andrew Wylie was the minister of our church for seven years and left in 1967. Three of his children, Fiona, Heather and Jean, were born in Lausanne and the last daughter, Kirstie, was born in Scotland. Mr Wylie was the co- founder of the Commonwealth American School which is now called the International School of Lausanne. The school started with seven students and this has now increased to 900 students. Mr. Wylie’s widow, Sheila, has not returned to Lausanne since leaving in 1967 and she and her daughters were thrilled to be able to visit the Scots Kirk on 23rd July and join in the Sunday Morning Worship. Mrs. Wylie is now 89 years old and still very fit. There are a number of people from the “olden days” who remember the Wylie family with affection and they were very pleased to have the opportunity of meeting them again over lunch after the service. Gisela Barbey