Cornerstone CORNERSTONE_186_website_28 | Page 6

Cornerstone No. 186, page 6 Celebrating 140 years A special anniversary service celebrating 140 years of the Scots Kirk in Lausanne was held on 30th April. It included sharing memories of previous ministers by the congregation, Alice Goodman presenting the history of the church, and reflections on personal experiences from Vivian Selsbo, Vanessa de Luze, Vanessa de Schoene, Constance Braissant, Pam Kirby, Peter Beard and Johnny Kwakye. Approximately 25 members of the local community joined the celebration, and many expressed appreciation for the warm hospitality of the Scots Kirk both on the day and over the years. A big thank you to all involved in preparing for and celebrating this event. We look forward to the start of the next 140 years of fellowship and community. Janet Shaner