Cornerstone No. 186, page 3
I wish to say a big thank you to the people who are leading worship at Lausanne
in the coming months – those coming in to lead services, and those within the
congregation who are stepping up to the plate – as our American cousins would
say – to make sure that Sunday by Sunday the gospel is proclaimed, the prayers
are said and the hymns sung. I hope to manage to lead worship on a Sunday
For now, we continue to hold each other in our hearts, and in our prayers – and
especially those who need those prayers most.
Every blessing
Laurence Twaddle
Visiting the Scots Kirk pulpit
The Rev. Erika Stalcup serves as pastor (ordained
deacon) of the Eglise Evangélique Méthodiste in
Lausanne. She was born in Kansas, USA, into a
United Methodist family and after graduating from
high school spent a year studying flute performance
at the Prague Conservatory of Music in the Czech
Republic while living at the International Baptist
Theological Seminary. Her curiosity about Methodism
led her eventually to explore a call to ministry. She
achieved a bachelor in music degree in Atlanta and
then went on to do a Master of Divinity degree at
Yale. She then undertook a PhD in History of
Christianity at Boston University and was ordained a deacon in full connection
in the New England Conference. She is married to a Swiss and now lives in
Cornerstone Publishing Programme 2017
December 2017-January 2018
Deadline for text
16 th July
17 th September
12 th November