Cornerstone No . 181 , page 22
Cornerstone Classifieds
Mr . Be ’ s bees offer excellent honey for cooking and cakes ; please call Mr . B . Vuillemin / Sears ( evenings ) at 079 230 45 40 or 021 652 62 10 . BUKI ’ S PET PARADISE . Pet Care and Boarding , many years ’ experience spoiling your best friend . www . as3 . ch / bpp ; contact Tania on 078 790 02 51 or goudast @ yahoo . com I ’ m looking for work as a concierge or similar in the Lausanne or Geneva area . If you can help , please contact Simon Sieman on 079 100 93 82 . Thank you . English speaking car experts . We are A2B Automotive , a small company who specialise in helping people with all aspects of car related issues here in Switzerland . If you have any questions relating to a car , we can probably offer a service that suits you , or just give you honest advice . We are based in Pampigny near to Morges but serve the Geneva and Lausanne area . www . a2bautomotive . com ; Contact : info @ a2bautomotive . com ; 078 878 43 18 / 078 868 18 08 . French Christian offers French and Spanish lessons ( A1-B2 levels , that is beginners and intermediate ), CHF 30 . - / h . Contact Alexandre Dominique on 0787924269 .
Recent meeting of the Kirk Session At the meeting of the Kirk Session on 14th December 2016 , the following subjects were discussed . Further information can be obtained from the minutes of the meeting on the notice board in the church hall or by speaking to a member of the Session .
Next meeting of the Kirk Session : 8th February 2017 at 7.30 p . m .
Deadline for the next edition of Cornerstone : 12th March 2017