Cornerstone No . 184 , page 20
an essentially spiritual presence in the mind of the believer over Luther ’ s more objective and Catholic-inclined Eucharistic theology . It is , of course , a moot point as to how far and in what respects the Church of Scotland still consciously sees itself as Calvinist . Maybe in some respects the modern Church of Scotland is leaning more towards its early Lutheran roots and even acknowledging its medieval Catholic origins in a greater concern with liturgy , spirituality and the mystical and experiential side of Christianity as against the rational , intellectual and disputatious . Yet it remains very clearly a church in the Reformed tradition , allied to other churches in Europe and beyond which share a Calvinist pedigree , and characterised , perhaps not always quite as fervently or enthusiastically as some would wish , by its motto ‘ Semper Reformanda ’ and the symbol of the ever burning bush which is never quite consumed by fire . Perhaps the 500th anniversary of the Reformation will trigger conversations across the Kirk as to the nature and value of our Reformed heritage , the value and relevance of the theological insights and innovations made by Luther , Calvin and the early Scottish Reformers , and the positive legacy of Protestantism and what we can still affirm in it and build on . A programme of events marking the Reformation anniversary will culminate with an ecumenical service on October 31 .
From the magazine of the Church of Scotland
Looking forward to Lent
A Lenten studies programme entitled " The Mystery of Everything " by Hilary Brand is planned . The five-week study will work around themes which spring from the film " The Theory of Everything ". Beginning Ash Wednesday , 1st March . Look out for details of meeting times and venues in the order of service sheets .
If God brings you to it , He will bring you through it . Happy moments , praise God . Difficult moments , seek God . Quiet moments , worship God . Painful moments , trust God . Every moment , thank God .