Cornerstone No . 184 , page 15
Christmas Day Lunch in the Fellowship Centre With Christmas Day falling as it did on a Sunday in 2016 , we were very blessed to be able to celebrate together with others with a delicious lunch in the Fellowship Centre , prepared and organized by Lindsay and Jeremy McTeague and their band of helpers . And what a truly delightful occasion it was ! We were 26 persons in all , including three generations of the McDonald family : Ian and Helen and three of their four children plus Ian ’ s mother , Joy . Our most grateful thanks go to Lindsay and Jeremy for all their organisation of the event and their hard work plus a really delicious Christmas turkey lunch with all the trimmings . It really made Christmas Day even more special to be able to meet in this manner on the actual day .
New address
Ms . Rosemary Armstrong would like to notify her friends at the church of her new address which now is
35 , Gilhams Court , High Street , BERKHAMSTED , Herts . HP4 1AT GB .
I do not suppose that many people will actually remember Rosemary but will probably recognise her name because it was she who donated our present hymn books in memory of her late father , Mr . Livingstone Armstrong and there is a note in all of them to this effect . Rosemary was never actually a member of our church but came on many occasions with her father during her frequent visits to him towards the end of his life , which is when several of us got to know her . Mr . Livingstone Armstrong was very proud of the fact that he was related to the famous missionary / explorer , David Livingstone .
Pam Kirby