We can help to source volunteers to suit you
Cork Volunteer Centre
Ionaid d’Oibrí Deonacha Corcaigh
Finding the right volunteer for
you can be achieved by following
this simple procedure.
Recruitment of Volunteers
as part of your
Volunteers that have contact with vulnerable
people such as children, older people or people
with disabilities may have to be garda vetted
by the organisation. We highly recommend
that organisations check volunteers’ references
before offering an opportunity to them.
Identify the skill set of the volunteer and how
this can be applied effectively for the mutual
benefit of your service and the volunteer.
Role Description
A written role description should detail the
tasks expected of the volunteer throughout
their involvement while outlining the aims and
objectives to be achieved (see form C).
Register your organisation and volunteering
opportunities with Cork Volunteer Centre (see
form A). Include the volunteering task/
opportunity. The Volunteer Centre will give your
contact details to the volunteers registered with
us. Volunteers will then contact you.
A suitable candidate will easily fit in with your
organisation’s goals and ethos.
Interviewing potential candidates is an essential
part of your volunteer recruitment process.
The volunteer should be welcomed into your
organisation. Ensure that they are introduced
to staff members. This will help them F