1.5 Volunteering times
2. Recruitment
Volunteering times are negotiated between the Voluntary Co-Ordinator and the volunteer and are as flexible
as the tasks allow. Voluntary time commitment is never expected to match that of full-time paid staff, but
2.1 Role descriptions and person specifications
unscheduled absences can create organisational problems. When expecting to be absent, volunteers should
inform their supervisor as soon as possible, so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Like paid staff, volunteers require a clear and accurate description of the tasks and responsibilities they are
expected to undertake. Prior to any volunteer assignment or recruitment effort, a role description must be
developed for each voluntary opportunity. This must include a title of the volunteering role, starting and
1.6 Appropriate behaviour
Volunteers are expected to work within the policies and procedures of
finishing dates, hours and place of work, name of supervisor and tasks to be undertaken. If appropriate, a
brief person specification may also be drawn up. The role description may be amended in joint agreement
and adhere to its ethos. As representatives of the organisation, they are responsible for presenting a positive
with the volunteer and the Volunteer Co-Ordinator. A copy of the final version will be given to the volunteer
before commencing