BlockChain News
Most of us don’t have a million dollars
laying around but it’s not all bad. The de-
cision by Filecoin also has its advantages
as it will ensure that U.S citizens can also
participate and that ICOs may start mov-
ing towards a more compliant model in
which investors are safeguarded. With all
this being said, what can you do to ensure
your spot on the Filecoin network?
Filecoin runs on a “Proof-of-Storage” sys-
tem that rewards miners for their idle
computer space while recycling their
Proof of Work computations towards this
goal. This means that if you have some
extra HDD space, you can earn Filecoin
by providing hosting space. The Filecoin
website reads:
where for the time being! Check out Sotrj
and SiaCoin, two other blockchain-based
storage platforms that are up and run-
ning today. You can also mine BurstCoin,
a Proof of Capacity (PoC) cryptocurrency
that uses HDD space instead of computa-
tional power to mine.
If you want to learn more about Filecoin,
visit the official website.
“Join the Filecoin Storage Market to rent
your hard drives, single disks, racks, whole
data centers, every Terabyte you are not
using. All you need to do is to connect to
the Filecoin network and the protocol will
handle the file transfers and transactions
for you. The more space you put on the
market, the more Filecoin you get.”
So even though you may not be able to
join the ICO, not all is lost! Filecoin isn’t
out yet, but you can already enlist for the
“Early Miner Program” and guarantee your
spot in the Filecoin ecosystem. To join the
program, fill out this Google Form, which
also give s you a chance to be in the beta
tester program.
That’s not all! If you don’t really want to
wait for Filecoin to be up and running,
you can always take your HDD space else-