CORE MAGAZINE September 2017 | Page 38

Interview they can purchase products grown under controlled conditions. When can we expect the project to be in full motion? We’ll introduce a public beta of our online platform shortly after the end of our token crowd sale event and will be expanding our tech team to work on the expansion of the features and functionality. The Real Estate part will take longer, we’ll first let our community members to decide on where they want our HQ to be opened, once we decide on that we’ll acquire our first property and it will take about a year to rebuild it, furnish and get all neces- sary licenses. There has always been a strong relation- ship between crypto currency and mari- juana beginning with CannabisCoin and CannaCoin in 2014. Roughly coinciding with the medicinal as well as recreation- al legalization of the plant in several US states, there still remains a large financial gap in the booming industry due to the fact that many mainstream financial in- stitutions will not accept or hold canna- bis related funds. As of September 2017, twenty-nine states as well as the District of Columbia have broadly legalized mar- ijuana in some form. So the stream of income from the industry found a natural home for innovation within the cryp- to-space. Unfortunately, as of yet - there hasn’t seemed to be any true cohesion be- tween the two worlds. ParagonCoin defi- nitely has a unique edge when compared to other cannabis related coins, so it’s pos- sible that the time for these two fledgling markets to meet has finally come. 35