BlockChain News
Cindicator: Leveraging Hybrid
Intelligence for effective asset
Technological progress can be somewhat
scary. Blockchain technology, for example,
is a disruptive piece of technology that
can eliminate all kinds of middlemen in
the financial sector, a prospect that can
be worrisome for those that play the mid-
dleman role themselves. The same can be
said for artificial intelligence. The prospect
of having computers do all the thinking
for us, can make us feel somewhat worth-
However, as each technological revolu-
tion comes, the same cycle is repeated.
Mankind is able to dedicate itself to more
intricate and rewarding tasks, bringing
forth innovation and prosperity. In fact, ar-
tificial intelligence is already used for a lot
of things, many of which we are not even
aware of.
An interesting approach to artificial in-
telligence is what is called “Hybrid Intelli-
gence”, a mutualistic symbiosis between