Some of the features he has built into apps are:
- a tool illustrates the evolution of the price of your assets including easy to view graphs.
- a tool which records and adds up dividends in one place neatly
- a tool which allows asset issuers to exclude accounts when paying dividends
- a tool which notifies you of changes on your account
To finish, Testdruif told me a funny anecdote.
"While writing the server side app for notification by email I programmed through the night (when I looked up from my screen it was 10AM). I decided to take a break and watch some tv when my wife came in and scolded me about not going to bed & being like a teenager. She also told me that if I dared to fall asleep she would kill me. So I stayed up during the day fighting my fatigue and then later crashed at an appropriate 10pm".
COFINT Assets Purchases on a Slight Hold
Unfortunately, the ability purchase COFINT NXT assets has been postponded. Currently, owner House is having his busiest month yet putting together his business with a mountain of contracts already signed. House stated that he wished to be active during the launch so he is able to answer questions to investors.
COFINT is a brick and mortar company based in the Northern Territory. Whilst COFINT is not part of CORE, CORE and CORE Media will receive spontaneous rewards for long time holders. COFINT will be released by House who is the creator of CORE. We recommend you read House's interview about COFINT on CORE Media.