CORE MAGAZINE March 2016 | Page 14

Alternative 2 - JL777's Iguana and Atomic Trading

JL777's solution started well beyond the NXT 2.0 crisis. After SuperNET broke away from NXT after the "Backward Compatibility", JL777 made the decision to move forward in a different direction. Currently what is being worked on is "Iguana", a Chrome App which aims to make Asset/BTC trading. As BTC is most liquid cryptocurrency, this is great news. He has also been able to sync the BTC blockchain within 30 minutes. This will be a very important sell point for using Iguana. Iguana will integrate SuperNET services such as Pangea Poker, PAX and InstantDEX. Whilst there are large delays, these were all due to NXT's ever changing client client. Now that JL777 is separated from NXT there have been significant breakthroughs.

Iguana will also have Atomic Trading for assets. This means assets can easily move from one blockchain to another. If one is nervous about one blockchain they can move their assets to another. NXT 2.0 holders may decide to move their asset to BTCD or BTC if NXT 2.0 looks to be losing momentum. Recent posts suggest BTCD will be the reference currency, with BTC being used for archival storage.

"If a blockchain starts taxing too much, just move. If a blockchain isnt innovating with new useful features and another one is, just move. If a blockchain decides to do a 50% devaluation and immediately splits the coin into unequal parts and 200% inflation, just move" - JL777

Conclusion - CORE's Stance

There is indeed interesting times ahead for NXT and it's community. As avid observers of NXT, CORE members are keeping a close eyes on developments. At the present moment, CORE remains neutral on the subject. However, we are worried about how this will affect our investors. There is no doubt this will shake up the present NXT eco-system. On the other hand, CORE isn`t against progress. While the evolution of the blockchain technology is gaining speed it is important to make the best decisions for our assetholders. CORE investors must keep an open mind that CORE may need to resort to new measures in order to provide them with the most innovative existing solutions. As stated above, Coinomat and JL777 are providing exciting alternatives. We will be keeping a close eyes on these developments.