CORE MAGAZINE January 2018 | Page 17


On December 5 , 2017 , John McAfee contacted me , for an exclusive conversation that he allowed me to record . This was not our first conversation , and I knew in advance that John wanted to discuss a specific topic for the call , and I had an agenda of my own . He wanted to talk about the target he believes has been painted on his back by the government of Belize , and I wanted to get a few predictions from him and to talk about his presence in the crypto community .

I must get the fun part out of the way first . During the 11 minute call , you will hear John McAfee as he does the following :
• He predicts Bitcoin will be priced at $ 1 million by 2020 .
• He says there is no such thing as a bitcoin bubble
• says Bitcoin Futures are “ just fine ” and will “ have absolutely no affect on crypto ” because they are not relevant to one another .
• He explains McAfee coin as a way for the people to have a chance to shape the world they live in by helping in the process of choosing where venture capitalism will allocate funds . The people who will use the technologies and products of the immediate future will be able to have a say in the world around them .
“ Bitcoin and other alternative cryptocurrencies are based on a paradigm that has no connection whatsoever with the existing paradigm of investment , where if you get 10 % a year you go Dam , that was good ! No . If you get 1000 % a year that is low and you have invested in the wrong cryptocurrency .” McAfee Continued “ Cryptocurrencies do not obey the laws of existing investments . Things like bubbles- there can ’ t possibly be a bitcoin bubble things like corrections , what the fuck does that mean ?”
“ We are in a new Paradigm with no connection whatsoever with the old Paradigm . Banks are going to disappear . The Fed will disappear . Governments , unless they can figure out a way to get taxes not based on income , they are going to disappear . The world Has changed . “
I must be abrupt as I switch the topic because as much as I quickly ran through the motions with McAfee during our call , it feels cheap and easy to just regurgitate facts and opinions about bitcoin only to candy coat the unpleasant transitional paragraph between the fun stuff and the subject that is heavy on Johns mind .
What somber topic has John McAfee twisted in knots ? McAfee made me promise to explain these things to the public . He believes he has a target on his back painted by the Government of Belize . He believes they want him dead , and he even tells me that his wife Janice has confessed to being an instrument in a plot to kill him . She is casual on this topic for the cameras , it is alarming .
Core Magazine 17