CORE MAGAZINE April 2016 | Page 23

A new block chain is coming and it is going to change the way you think of block chain technology. The name is WAVES, based on the recent discovery of gravitational waves, it encourages the crypto community to join as one and unite. WAVES is heavily influenced by the successful crypto currency NXT which became famous for it's vibrant Asset Exchange. There is one simple difference to the approach of WAVES and NXT, an emphasis on fiat trading. At launch, assets can be bought with USD and EUR. WAVES is completely decentralized unlike Ripple which is backed by third-parties, payment systems, and banks,

The man behind WAVES, coinomat, is a well respected member of the NXT and SuperNET community. Coinomat has already created a range of established services, including which is an instant crypto currency exchange. Coinomat also owns a range of assets on the NXT asset exchange and has consistently paid dividends weekly to asset holders.

After the announcement of NXT 2.0, it became clear that NXT did not compliment coinomat's vision. For a run down of NXT 2.0, please click here. The NXT community became split into two groups, holders of NXT and holders of NXT assets. It became abruptly clear that there was no platform in the cryptocurrency sphere that was completely asset friendly. Other cryptocurrencies that host assets and coloured coins either lack the user friendly interface, are clones of other Bitcoin 2.0 block chains, have different interests or lack the liquidity. WAVES solves all of these problems.

WAVES is a block chain developed specifically for asset holders. It will be a user friendly, one click installation chrome plugin with a fully decentralized trading/crowdfunding platform. WAVES is being coded from scratch with the support of big players such as JL777. All developments will be open sourced. The full node client will be written in scala and the light client in JS. WAVES also solves the liquidity problem by having fiat pairings such as USD and EUR upon release. Furthermore, JL777 is developing atomic trades which will allow the user to move assets from one block chain to another. Assets will have the ability to move from BTCD, to BTC (via Iguana), to WAVES or even back to NXT. Other plans to be carried out on release are encrypted messaging, community management and decentralized voting.

After the release which is planned for Summer 2016, coinomat plans for the implementation of a Reputation System and Privacy System. The Reputation System will use a custom "karma" token that can be used as feedback from users. Asset holders are encouraged to be honest. The privacy features, according to coinomat are, "anonymous asset trading will be implemented. Without anonymity features it will be impossible to mimic the usual stock exchange experience of anonymous orders books".