Check-IN – Cooperation and Development is a non-profit organization, and works in close
cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in everyday quality improvement
activities. Check-IN was created in 9 of April 2010.
The aim of Check-IN Association is to be a resource of information, training and access to lifelong
learning opportunities for young and adult people in order to promote: social and communitarian
integration; education and cooperation for sustainable development; personal competencies,
interpersonal and social development; active citizenship; the respect for human rights; gender
equality; tolerance, intercultural dialogue and solidarity between the peoples, among others.
The association organises activities at local, national and international level, including national and
international workshops, seminars, activity buildings and training courses as well as volunteering
activities (ex: european voluntary service, national volunteering), international and national
traineeships etc. and their success lies in the quality and professionalism of the Staff, which are a
group of dynamic and motivated people, with exceptional organizational and customer service