CORE 2 - Challenging Europe CORE 2 - Challenging Europe | Page 30
HVSF has more than 10 years of experience in volunteer sending in Budapest. One of its main
aim is to help young people to participate in volunteer projects from year to year. They highly
believe that voluntary work is a part of a lifelong learning process, which greatly contributes to
achieve long-lasting and far reaching personal goals and social development for young people.
HVSF is committed to send young people to volunteer projects without any social and financial
barriers, according to that we participate in programs, which allows our volunteers to earn these
key experiences without any financial deposit or down-payment.
HVSF is always looked for the possibilities to send more and more Hungarian volunteers to
participate in projects primarily in the „developing” countries. Through these projects they would
like to grant the chance to our Hungarian volunteers to add their personal output to the
development of third world countries, show and learn new ways of thinking and doing, make local
communities and young people work side by side to create positive – and sustainable - change,
thus increase the attitude on global thinking in Hungary as well.