Cordially Invited Special Halloween Edition | Page 3

Something about Fall awakens the witch in all of us... As the leaves turn and the harvest begins, nature itself takes hold of us in a wild celebration of earth’s bounty. Tea fits remarkably well in this changing of seasons. The magic of brewing the perfect pot of tea on a crisp autumn morning casts its own little spell of well being, contentment, and inspires thoughts of gratitude for what we have. My special thanks go out to Leonard Nima of Red Lion Inc., Rick Chiantaretto, my friend and author, and Jamah Dacus of BlendBee for their contributions to our Halloween publication. I dedicate this spirited issue to all who embrace the nature worshipper and spell caster in themselves; to those who are willing to put forth the energy and intent to get what they desire. For what would life be without a touch of magic...And tea? Warmest regards, Ashley Byrd Editor, Cordially Invited Magazine 3