Coral Reef Destruction- by C. Benjamin June 2015 | Page 3



Despite only covering less than 0.1% of the earth's surface, coral reefs are home to approximately 25% of all marine life. They are the biodiversity hotspots of the ocean

Healthy coral in Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Coral is made up of tiny polyps, which clump together and form Calcium Carbonate shells by combining Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Calcium (Ca). Coral has a symbiotic relationship with Zooxanthellae, a type of algae that lives within the coral. The Zooxanthellae photosynthesizes and provides energy for the coral. Coral thrives in clear water no deeper than 27 meters. (University of Florida)

This clear water is very nutrient poor, and needs waves to bring water from deeper, more nutrient rich parts of the ocean to shallow reefs to promote coral growth. Coral also needs a very narrow range of temperature to live, ideally between 77 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit. (Shah, 2013)