Cooled Infrared imaging 05/18/2013 | Page 11

REPORT DESCRIPTION & SCOPE An Infrared imager is a device which captures images using infrared light rather than visible light. Cooled IR Imaging devices use a vacuum sealed case to ensure proper operation of the semiconductor materials used in the product. Compared to normal IR devices, these cooled IR detectors are bulky and expensive. However, prices are dropping along with reduction in the size of the end product with increased focus on manufacturing, integration and technological advances. Long and Far wave IR have larger market compared to the other segments in this market. The reason for this is cooled IR systems are more effective both in functionality and cost for long distance detection and tracking. The IR imaging market is slated to grow at 7% year on year for the next five years. The market is estimated to reach $6.9bn by 2018. Global Cooled IR Imaging Market Demand Analysis by Type (2013-2018) ($bn) Type Short Wave IR Medium Wave IR Long Wave IR Far Wave IR Total Source: IndustryARC Analysis 2013 $Bn 2015 2016 2018 $Bn CAGR (%) 2013-2018 xx Xx Xx Xx 4.9 xx xx xx xx xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx 6.9 xx Xx Xx Xx 7.0 Cooled IR Imaging consists of thermal imaging cameras in which a cryocooler is integrated with an imaging sensor which helps in lowering the sensor temperature to cryogenic levels. These cameras are highly sensitive and can differentiate between slight temperature changes compared to uncooled thermal imaging cameras. Coo