Cool Springs Multimodal Transportation Study JUN_2015_Final Cool_Springs_Report | Page 11

Goals and Objectives In order to achieve the Purpose and Need for the Multimodal Transportation Network the following Goals and Objectives have been identified: GOAL 1: Provide Alternative Transit Solutions to Serve and Attract More Riders Objectives: GOAL 2: Encourage Multimodal Transportation Options Objectives: • Introduce a range of transit options to allow for more choices of travel • Support a full bike route network that connects people to popular origins and destinations within Cool Springs and the Franklin area • Establish transit connections to areas outside the study area • Encourage bikeshare programs and bicycle amenities including bike racks and shower facilities • Increase transit access for lower wage and lower income workers • Install infrastructure to support pedestrian and bicycle access including a full network of sidewalks on both sides of every street and pedestrian intersection improvements • Attract choice riders by offering creative transit solutions • Reduce transit on demand (TODD) trips to and from the Cool Springs area by increasing ridership on other services • Support ITS solutions such as transit signal priority, queue jumping, and real time bus arrival information to make transit a more reliable mode choice • Investigate longer term transit solutions included dedicated transit lanes and commuter rail options • Allow for easier access for travelers outside the City by providing park and ride lots in key locations • Create new opportunities for ridesharing including carpooling • Promote other transportation demand management (TDM) alternatives • Work with the City of Franklin to create an ordinance to designate that parking spots in “prime” locations at large retail and office developments be reserved for carpools and vanpools GOAL 3: Identify Transit Funding Strategies Objectives: • Work with city, county, and state officials to identify dedicated funding solutions for local and regional transportation alternatives • Create public-private partnerships to fund transportation alternatives and infrastructure Cool Springs | Multimodal Transportation Network Study 5