Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber 2016 Chamber Annual Report | Page 9

Convention & Visitors Bureau DIVISION


Accomplishments & Highlights :

• Successfully attained hosting privileges for the first Southern Backroads Harley Owners ’ Group Rally , set for July 11-15 , 2017 . Worked in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development , Harley-Davidson Motor Company and local stakeholders to execute a formal press announcement , led by TDTD Commissioner Kevin Triplett . Expected rally attendance is 5,000 + and will economically impact the entire Upper Cumberland region .
• For the third year in a row , Cookeville was awarded hosting privileges to serve as a major stop for Run for the Wall , a veterans ’ motorcycle event routing from Los Angeles to Arlington National Cemetery with participants riding in honor of POWs and MIAs . The emotional and impactful event led over 300 riders into town as they broke from a 10- day cross country journey the week before Memorial Day .
• Continued momentum in branding and marketing efforts , led to final preparations for a soft-launch of VisitCookevilleTN . com in January 2017 . This , along with a merchandise partnership , increased advertising strategy and a newly created public relations / marketing staff position , have generated elevated growth in the branding campaign initiated in 2015 .
• Partnered with TDTD as well as the Upper Cumberland Tourism Association to host national and international travel journalists for press tours focusing on both general interest and special interest ( motorcycling ) media platforms .
• Hosted three successful train excursions from Nashville to Baxter , Cookeville and Monterey welcoming over 1,500 drive-market visitors to Putnam County .
• Participated with UCTA in the Upper Cumberland Home & Garden Show / Stay & Play Tourism Expo .
• Continued to be one of 23 certified Retire Tennessee communities to attract active retirees to Putnam County and the region . Participation in this program led to fulfillment of more than 4,000 leads and representation at six Ideal Living Resort & Retirement Expos . Maintained membership in the American Association of Retirement Communities and was again named an AARC Seal of Approval recipient .
• Served as the surveying agency for the Council for Community and Economic Research Cost of Living Index .