convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2014-05-16_00-43-47.pdf May. 2014 | Page 8

Where i grew up

My earliest memories are not of my own house, but of my grandparents’ house. My Granny and Pawpaw are probably the most awesome grandparents on the face of the Earth, and their house is pretty much the embodiment of that. For the first few years after I was born, my mom, my dad, and I all lived with my Granny and Pawpaw. Those are some of the best memories that I have simply because of the simplicity and the loving atmosphere that I was enveloped in. Before I go further, I must divulge that the house was not awesome because of the way it looked or its aesthetic or whatever, as it was built in the seventies, but its charm came from the atmosphere the people who lived in it created. My room had fabulous shag carpeting that was insanely wooly and fuzzy with bright orange intermingled with odd shades of yellow and green, and as a kid, that was probably the most fun carpet in the history of the world. But beyond the carpeting and the matching drapes, the character of the house was synthesized by the character of the people living in it.