Conversion Tools Goldwell Topchic Color Conversion Chart

COLOR CONVERSION CHART Goldwell Topchic → This conversion chart was created by our color professionals as a guide. These comparisons are recommendations ONLY, not exact formula or shade matches. Color may vary depending on the natural tone, texture, porosity and condition of the hair. To achieve the best tonal end result, follow manufacturer instructions and formulation guidelines. Goldwell Topchic the color XG ® NATURALS Goldwell Topchic the color XG ® Goldwell Topchic WARM BLONDES/BROWNS the color XG ® Goldwell Topchic WARM REDS the color XG ® COOL REDS 10N 10N 10G 10G 9KG 1 part 8C + 1 part Clear Booster 9N 8N 9G 10G 8KG 8C 5VV 2 parts 6V + 1 part 4V + 1" Violet Intensifier 8N 7N 8G 8G 7KG 7C 3VV 3VR + Violet Intensifier *see chart 7N 6N 7G 7G 6KG 5RO 10V 10P + dot Violet Intensifier 6N 5N 6G 5G 8KR 7RO 4V 4V 5N 4N 4G 4G 7KR 2 parts 7C + 1 part 7R 8RR 7R 4N 3N 10GB 10WB 6KR 6R 7RR 7R + Red Intensifier 8OR 1 part 8C + pea size Orange and Red Intensifier 6RR 6R + Red Intensifier 2 parts 7C + 1 part 7R + Red and Orange Intensifier *see chart 5RR 5R + Red Intensifier 7OR 6R 6R 7OO 7C + 1" Orange Intensifier 5R 5R 4R 4RB + Red Intensifier *see chart 3N 2N 9GB 8NB 2N 1N 8GB 1 part 8G + 1 part 8N 6VV 6V + 1" Violet Intensifier 9NN 9NN 7GB 6WB 8NN 7NN 6GB 5NB 7NN 6NN 5GB 1 part 5G + 1 part 5N 6NN 5NN 9GN 9G 10A 10A 6RV 6RV 5NN 4NN 7B 6NB 8A 8A 7PK 2 parts 7PN + 1 part 7C 4NN 4NN 6B 5NB 7A 7A 5RS 1 part 5R + 1 part 5PN 3NN 3N 5B 4NB 6A 6A 5A COOL BLONDES/BROWNS BLONDING Blonding Cream 9NA 1 part 9N + 1 part 9A 4B 4NB 5A 8NA 1 part 8N + 1 part 8A 10BG 1 part 10NB + 1 part 10G 4A 4A 7NA 1 part 7N + 1 part 7A 7BG 1 part 7NB + 1 part 7G 2A 2 parts 3NN + 1 part 1AA 11V HLP + dot Violet Intensifier 6NA 1 part 6N + 1 part 6A 5BG 1 part 5NB + 1 part 5G 6BM 1 part 6NN + 1 part 6MT 11N HLN 5NA 1 part 5N + 1 part 5A 7BN 1 part 7N + .5 part 6WB 5BM 1 part 5NN + 1 part 5MT 11B HLPN 4NA 1 part 4N + 1 part 4A 8KN 1 part 8NB + .5 part 8C 7MB 2 parts 7N + 1 part 7MT 11P HLP 3NA 1 part 3N + 1 part 4A 6KS 1 part 6C + .5 part 7A 6MB 2 parts 6N + 1 part 6MT N/A UTA 2 parts 5N + 1 part 5MT N/A UTN 7NBK 1 part 6NB + .5 part 6C 7RB 6RB 5MB 6NBK 1 part 5NB + .5 part 6C 8RB 7RB 10BS 10PN 9NBP 9PN 6RB 5RB 6BS 6PN 7NBP 7PN 5RB 4RB 8SB 2 parts 8A + 1 part 8N 5NBP 1 part 5N + .5 part 5A 8K 1 part 8NB + 1 part 8C 7SB 2 parts 7A + 1 part 7N 8NGB 1 part 8N + 1 part 8G 7K 1 part 7NB + 1 part 7C 6SB 2 parts 6A + 1 part 6N 6NGB 1 part 6N + 1 part 6G 6K 1 part 6NB + 1 part 6C 10P 10P 5K 2 parts 6C + 1 part 4C Clear Booster HIBLONDES CONTROL *See the color XG ® paper chart available for download at or