Fundamental Orders of Connecticut,
89, 98, 168–70
Galloway, Joseph, 117, 118
Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan
Transit Authority, 323
Garfield, James A., 588
Garrison, William Lloyd, 133
General Welfare Clause, 398
Gentlemen, 107
Gentz, Friedrich, 54
Geographic representation, 89, 99–100
George I, 28
George III, 28, 30, 44, 104, 393
Georgia, state constitution, 146, 150,
Germany, 256
Gerry, Elbridge, 251, 272, 389, 401, 498
Gibbon, Edward: The Decline and Fall
of the Roman Empire, 21
Gibbons v. Ogden, 497, 556
Gitlow v. New York, 558, 573
Gladstone, William, 9
Glorious Revolution of 1688–89, 30
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 272–73
Gordon, Thomas: Cato’s Letters, 18
Gorham, Nathaniel, 269
Grand jury, 410, 420
Grant, Ulysses S., 494
Gray v. Sanders, 99–100
Great Britain. See England
Great Compromise, 264–65
Great Depression, 323
Greek city-states, 15–16, 17
Greek constitutions, 16, 17
Greek revivalism, 15
Green, Jacob, 148
Greenough, Horatio, 15
Grenville, George, 112
Griswold, Roger, 330
Grotius, Hugo, 47, 391, 465
Guarantee Clause, 308
Guillotin, Dr. Joseph-Ignace, 55
Guillotine, the, 55, 56
Gulag Archipelago, 94
Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990,
Habeas corpus, 300, 402
Hale, Sir Matthew, 34
Hamilton, Alexander, 269, 404
and Annapolis Convention, 163
on Articles of Confederation, 12
Committee of Style, 269
concept of national legislature, 260
concept of unified government, 256,
contributions to The Federalist, 10,
12, 18, 148, 260, 384
death by duel, 247, 251
Federalist No. 17, 322
Federalist No. 33, 399
Federalist No. 34, 399
Federalist No. 59, 398
Federalist No. 69, 267, 400
Federalist No. 78, 400, 464, 480
Federalist No. 81, 516
Federalist No. 83, 424–25
Federalist No. 84, 401, 424–25
fight for ratification of Constitution,
on limitations of judiciary, 515–16
on monarchy, 45
on political systems of Greece and
Rome, 16
portrait of by John Trumbull, 261
reply to the Anti-Federalists on Bill
of Rights, 401–3
on the Supreme Court, 337
on voice of the people, 151–52
Hammurabi, Code of, 476
Hampden, John, 39, 40, 44
Hampden-Sidney College, 44
Harding, Chester, 250