The Address and Reasons of Dissent
will be the policy of this government to multiply officers in every department; judges, collectors, tax-gatherers, excisemen and the whole host
of revenue officers, will swarm over the land, devouring the hard earnings of the industrious—like the locusts of old, impoverishing and desolating all before them.
We have not noticed the smaller, nor many of the considerable blemishes, but have confined our objections to the great and essential defects,
the main pillars of the Constitution; which we have shown to be inconsistent with the liberty and happiness of the people, as its establishment
will annihilate the State governments, and produce one consolidated government that will eventually and speedily issue in the supremacy of despotism.
In this investigation we have not confined our views to the interests or
welfare of this State, in preference to the others. We have overlooked all
local circumstances—we have considered this subject on the broad scale
of the general good; we have asserted the cause of the present and future
ages—the cause of liberty and mankind.