America’s First Constitutions and Declarations of Rights
preme Judicial Court, or Judge of Probate, shall accept a seat in Council;
or any Counsellor shall accept of either of those offices or places.
And no person shall ever be admitted to hold a seat in the Legislature,
or any office of trust or importance under the Government of this Commonwealth, who shall, in the due course of law, have been convicted of
bribery or corruption in obtaining an election or appointment.
iii.—in all cases where sums of money are mentioned in this Constitution, the value thereof shall be computed in silver at six shillings and
eight pence per ounce: And it shall be in the power of the Legislature
from time to time to increase such qualifications, as to property, of the
persons to be elected to offices, as the circumstances of the Commonwealth shall require.
iv.—all commissions shall be in the name of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, signed by the Governor, and