Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
chapter iv
Delegates to Congress
The delegates of this Commonwealth to the Congress of the United
States, shall, sometime in the month of June annually, be elected by the
joint ballot of the Senate and House of Representatives, assembled together in one room; to serve in Congress for one year, to commence on
the first Monday in November then next ensuing. They shall have commissions under the hand of the Governor, and the great seal of the Commonwealth; but may be recalled at any time within the year, and others
chosen and commissioned, in the same manner, in their stead.
chapter v
The University at Cambridge, and Encouragement of Literature, etc.
section i
The University
Art. i.—whereas our wise and pious ancestors, so early as the year
one thousand six hundred and thirty six, laid the foundation of HarvardCollege, in which University many persons of great eminence have, by
the blessing of god, been initiated in those arts and sciences, which
qualified them for public employment ̰