Controversial Books | Page 12

xii Contents Local Government in the Colonies 107 Civil Liberties in the Colonies 108 The Movement Toward Independence 111 The Declaration of Independence 121 The Rights Proclaimed 137 The First State Constitutions, 1776–1783 141 The Articles of Confederation 152 Suggested Reading 164 ap p e n d i x a . The Mayflower Compact 167 ap p e n d i x b . Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 168 ap p e n d i x c . Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress 171 ap p e n d i x d . Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms 176 ap p e n d i x e . The Declaration of Independence (1776) 183 ap p e n d i x f. Virginia Bill of Rights ap p e n d i x g . Thoughts on Government 191 ap p e n d i x h . Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 199 ap p e n d i x i . Articles of Confederation (1778) part 3. 188 230 The Achievement of the Philadelphia Convention 241 The Problems of the Convention 242 The Delegates to the Convention 246 A Wide Range of Talents 248 Plans and Progress at Philadelphia 253 The Meaning of ‘‘Federal’’ 255 The Virginia Plan: A Supreme National Government 257 Hamilton’s Concept of a Unified America 259 The New Jersey Plan: Checks upon Central Power 262