Controversial Books | Page 8

xiv Illustrations Surrender of the Old City Jews: RABBI BEN ZION HAZZAN IREQ (32.) Haganah prisoners (33.) Ruins of Hurvath Synagogue (34.) Amman (35. 36.) KING ABDULLAH and priests (37.) HAJ AMIN EL HUSSEINI, the Mufti (38.) MAROUF DAWALIBI (39.) SALAH FATTAH EL IMAM (40.) CAPTAIN HERBERT VON FURST (41.) MOUSTAFA EL ARISS {42.) PIERRE GEMAYEL (43.) Smoking the josic (44.) Israel: The port oi Haifa (45.) Childlren at Kibbutz Afikim (46.) My birthplace in Alexandropolis (47. 48.) MAPS (by Rafael Palacios) The Middle East from CAIRO TO DAMASCUS PAGE 16 Jerusalem and Its Environs PAGE 244