Controversial Books | Page 72

Green Shirts and Red Fezzes 67 A dust cloud became visible in the distance. A welcoming shout went up. It turned out to be a column of soldiers, marching with their banners in the wind—a contingent of about two hundred volunteers bound for Palestine under Misr el Fattat auspices. They were dressed in war-surplus khaki and the Arab headpiece—consisting of the flowing white shawl, khaffiya, held down around the temples by twin black cords. Their faces were bronzed by the Nile sun, their hands bony from toil. They were fellaheen—those lowest in the social scale, usually tenant-slave farmers or unskilled workers. They joined the Green Shirt columns, and together marched past a guard of honor of Green Shirt officials. I began to photograph the scene with one policeman behind me, the other at my side. Suddenly, as the massed banners and flags passed by, a dozen Green Shirt arms shot out in the old-fashioned Fascist salute. To snap or not to snap! What would the police say? Nervously, I took two photographs of the saluting soldiers. Nothing happened. As the contingents marched toward the Nile, I jumped into Hussein's car with Sheikh Mahmoud Abou el Azaayim, a wealthy Egyptian who was financing the volunteers. We drove ahead to Hussein's home on the other side of the bridge. His apartment commanded a magnificent view of the Nile, and the famous Pyramids of Giza in the distance. "Take a picture of my daughters," Hussein said. "I have named them Faith and Liberty." Hussein's wife was nowhere in evidence, faithful to the Moslem tradition that no decent woman ever shows her face to strangers. In his military dress and cap, hands on hips, jaw stuck out, Hussein on the balcony of his home imitated II Duce. Hussein had neither the girth, the stature, the jaw, nor the snarl of the Italian Fascist whom he admired and tried to emulate. It was now the turn of Sheikh el Azaayim to pose for me. In our country, thanks to Hollywood, the word "sheikh" suggests a virile, handsome son of the desert dashing about on a full-blooded Arab charger. Undoubtedly there are some Val-